Thursday, March 5, 2009

jerry rigged....tuna casserole...

jerry's my hubby, so occasionally i might post about something he's done...

back when i was pregnant, i was feeling horrible all of the time, my hip and pelvic bones were out of whack (what do you expect for a 9 lb. 6 oz. baby who was 2 weeks early, right?). so he started fixing dinner several nights a week to give me a break, even though i was home and he was working all day.

one night he decided to try to make tuna helper (with chicken because he "hated" tuna). he made two boxes and decided to get "fancy" and make it in the oven as a casserole. he followed the directions for one package, not two, so it ended up with super thick sauce, and a few of the rotini were a bit crunchy. it was pretty good! since then, we've added things to it, like chopped broccoli, bread crumbs (decided against that one), and adding cheese to the top just a few minutes before it's done. it's actually turned into a family favorite, and the majority of the time he takes over the kitchen and fixes it to still give me a break. he's taking a little early evening nap, so i'm fixing it tonight...yum! (unfortunately, no extra broccoli in the freezer tonight, but still looking forward to it anyway.)

oh yeah, he doesn't hate tuna any more!