Thursday, April 9, 2009

katee didn't...

do much along the lines of being creative in the past few weeks, unless you count the no-bake and snickerdoodle cookies i made for the youth fundraiser lunch after church last sunday. here's a picture to make your mouth water...

i've pretty much put sewing and knitting on the backburner for now. i'm working on catching up on school assignments for my 7 college courses, getting the house in order for our rental inspection, and have been dealing with a sick kid who had to have surgery, along with stuff for our family business. one of these days i'll have a bit more time to do the creative things i want to do. i am still working on painting that dresser, it's been a slow work in progress. the drawers are all painted, now i'm working on attaching drawer pulls but have to drill new holes which is proving to be a pain because the drawer fronts are curvy and it's hard to measure exactly 3" on them. i hope to have it and a bookcase finished by this weekend so i can organize the master bedroom. then i need to paint the walls of the main rooms of the house before next friday too!

it's getting crazy up in here!