Tuesday, December 29, 2009

a few of my favorite things...

elisa's christmas skirt

peanut butter fudge x6 (batches, that is)

mince meat pie...one of several in our "pie of the week" series

this holiday season has gone by so very fast, i didn't get a chance to finish much of what i started, but we did manage to accomplish a lot too.

beginning at thanksgiving, i made pies...pecan and pumpkin (fresh, not canned, thankyouverymuch) were first, then came the above pictured mince pie. i also made a strawberry-rhubarb pie and another mince pie. there is still an apple pie, and maybe another pecan pie still to make before we are finished.

i made peanut butter fudge...and boy did i make a lot! thanks to a misunderstanding of my daughter's interpretation of "1/2 c." i mistakenly assumed she meant "1 1/2 cups". in order to salvage my fudge, we ended up making the recipe X6, instead of X2. it made 7 pans full, lasted several weeks, and was given away as much as possible.

i was determined to sew elisa a skirt, which i did the night before it was needed, and proudly finished it at 2 a.m. before getting a few hours of sleep before the children's christas program! didn't it turn out cute? that fab fabric came from the clearance shelves at joann last year, super cheap too!

i also found an amazing recipe for lefse. i found glogg at ikea, which complimented our christmas eve dinner of lefse, potatoes and smoked norwegian salmon very nicely. this was the best batch of lefse ever! i am ready to make some more.

and last, but most definitely not least, i made cookies and the family favorites are my grandma corky's peppernuts. i have several rolls of them still in the freezer ready to bake, and then i believe i will need to make more of these too!

it's been a crazy holiday season, but it was great, and i was able to find time to do things with the kids and let them help with the baking. it was so much fun.

oh yes, and i found the best recipe for using up leftover ham...ham apple pie!!! it sounds crazy and i looked it up due to my facetiousness, but it was a hit with the whole family and will definitely be something we have again!

hope your holidays were great too, now to work on revamping my blog-dom...