Sunday, February 22, 2009

bloggity blogging...

i have taken the past two days and redone the backgrounds of all of my blogs, that's my "katee did it" for the weekend. if you want to check them out, go to my main blog looking toward the Son and the links are on the sidebar. i just love the options available from the cutest blog on the block. if your blog needs a free and easy facelift, check them out!

on another note, i've started painting the freebie furniture i have sitting in my garage. it's part of my objective of getting organized, so i can start creating stuff more often (along with organizing the garage so we can set up a home gym with our weight machine and a treadmill, along with the other miscellaneous stuff we have to workout with). the first dresser is going in my bedroom, partly to hold sewing stuff since that's where i'll be setting up my permanent work space. the other things i have to paint are an armoire for the baby's nursery (which will be complete with dr. seuss decoupaged drawer pulls), a book case (also for my room/work space), a small dresser (for my bathroom), and a papasan chair that will go into my older son's room. once this stuff is all out of the way, the workout space can be set up too. i'm so excited to finally be making some headway in getting organized so these creative juices can flow more freely!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

too much planning...

too little doing.

i need to jump in and get some sewing projects finished. it just seems that life keeps coming up and getting in the way. it needs to stop!

i'm almost finished with the pink newborn diaper cover for my friend, then i'll have three to go for her. (and at least 3 for myself) hopefully i'll have a picture of it to share tomorrow. i am finished with the body of the piece and have one leg's ribbing knitted, so i need to do the other leg and then sew it up and it will be completed. i think i'm going to skip the crocheted chain drawstring tie for hers because they'll just slip on and off for photo shoots, unlike mine being used to actually cover cloth diapers.

i think i'm going to sew some soakers before i knit my own though, just so i'll have a couple of fleece soakers for baby dude to wear over the cloth dipes. hubby's not thrilled with cloth, so i've been going back and forth, using both cloth and sposies. but now that money is so tight, i'm using cloth as much as possible and saving the others for when we go out or have someone babysit. i wish we could do it 100% of the time, but that's not going to totally fly with hubby, so i'll take what i can get. (someday he might get on board, we'll see.)

so tomorrow i'm going to finish the pink diaper cover, finish sewing burp cloths, and start something new...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

project organization...

i have three notebooks and a calendar/organizer, and i am using them to organize different parts of my life. the calendar/organizer is a no-brainer, if i would just enter stuff into it (see how it's blank for this week? it's not as if i've had nothing to do or no appointments)... the blue one is for family stuff, currently it only has information about the kids' school projects entered in it. the green one is going to be for my college classes, but currently has a priority "to do" list written on the front page, no entries pertain to said classes. and then there is the pink one...

my pink one (the prettiest one IMO) is for my creative stuff and i've made a long list of things i want/need to do where sewing, knitting and decorating are concerned. boy have i come up with a long list! i need to get the burp cloths and cloth diapers finished quickly, and also finish up my knitted diaper soakers (three for me, and four for my toddlerazzi friend), and then...

i just got the new amy butler book, little stitches for little ones, and i have made a list...and boy is it long! there were several things i was already going to do, but now this has given me focus on where i want to go with the nursery.

since the nursery theme is dr. seuss, i did an etsy search to see if i could get ideas since dr. seuss fabric is a rare (and expensive) find. i found a couple of pictures of a perfect little smock that has become my inspiration for the nursery. so now to find fabrics in a similar pallet to create an amazing nursery for my little snuggle bear!