Thursday, February 5, 2009

project organization...

i have three notebooks and a calendar/organizer, and i am using them to organize different parts of my life. the calendar/organizer is a no-brainer, if i would just enter stuff into it (see how it's blank for this week? it's not as if i've had nothing to do or no appointments)... the blue one is for family stuff, currently it only has information about the kids' school projects entered in it. the green one is going to be for my college classes, but currently has a priority "to do" list written on the front page, no entries pertain to said classes. and then there is the pink one...

my pink one (the prettiest one IMO) is for my creative stuff and i've made a long list of things i want/need to do where sewing, knitting and decorating are concerned. boy have i come up with a long list! i need to get the burp cloths and cloth diapers finished quickly, and also finish up my knitted diaper soakers (three for me, and four for my toddlerazzi friend), and then...

i just got the new amy butler book, little stitches for little ones, and i have made a list...and boy is it long! there were several things i was already going to do, but now this has given me focus on where i want to go with the nursery.

since the nursery theme is dr. seuss, i did an etsy search to see if i could get ideas since dr. seuss fabric is a rare (and expensive) find. i found a couple of pictures of a perfect little smock that has become my inspiration for the nursery. so now to find fabrics in a similar pallet to create an amazing nursery for my little snuggle bear!

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