Tuesday, February 17, 2009

too much planning...

too little doing.

i need to jump in and get some sewing projects finished. it just seems that life keeps coming up and getting in the way. it needs to stop!

i'm almost finished with the pink newborn diaper cover for my friend, then i'll have three to go for her. (and at least 3 for myself) hopefully i'll have a picture of it to share tomorrow. i am finished with the body of the piece and have one leg's ribbing knitted, so i need to do the other leg and then sew it up and it will be completed. i think i'm going to skip the crocheted chain drawstring tie for hers because they'll just slip on and off for photo shoots, unlike mine being used to actually cover cloth diapers.

i think i'm going to sew some soakers before i knit my own though, just so i'll have a couple of fleece soakers for baby dude to wear over the cloth dipes. hubby's not thrilled with cloth, so i've been going back and forth, using both cloth and sposies. but now that money is so tight, i'm using cloth as much as possible and saving the others for when we go out or have someone babysit. i wish we could do it 100% of the time, but that's not going to totally fly with hubby, so i'll take what i can get. (someday he might get on board, we'll see.)

so tomorrow i'm going to finish the pink diaper cover, finish sewing burp cloths, and start something new...

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